- Three speeding tickets.
- Two tickets for expired tabs.
- One really big ticket (and near-arrest) for driving with a suspended license.
- Several court appearances.
- One $1500 warrant issued for my arrest when I forgot about one of said court dates.
- Two instances of being rear-ended by an idiot without insurance. (The first girl told me she was changing her clothes while she was driving.)
- One instance of me being the idiot and taking out my front headlight with a parking garage pillar.
- Countless fun road trips and trips to the mountains.
So this car is a guaranteed good time! Let me know if you'd like any real information about mileage (125K), power accessories (doors & window), or price (depends on how much I like you).
A sliding scale based on how much you like the person. I can't resist wondering what kind of price I might get. Somehow I suspect I might not be able to afford it.
haha, sounds like you've had some roaring good times with her. ;)
hey, what's yr email addy?
I want to share a photo of you
that I'm in love with. :)
Katia - It's anna.p.wilson@gmail.com. Thanks! It was great to meet you yesterday.
Christopher - Whatev. ;)
So what does the title of your blog mean?
Means "what's up?" in Hindi. Kind of a lame & gimmicky title, but whatever. I'm awful at thinking of clever things like that!
I think that "What's up" is a much simpler way to express the sentiment…
True. I'll tell them they should really think about changing that.
Lol. Good.
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